Tuesday, May 19, 2009

WOF Conference


That's how I would describe the Women of Faith conference that I attended last weekend in Billings. I wasn't quite sure what I was expecting but it definitely surpassed any and all expectations I had. We heard from many amazing speakers, most of which brought me to tears with their stories, and the worship music was phenomenal!!! I especially enjoyed being able to spend that time with my mom, sister, and mother-in-law. I'm not quite sure if I have ever been in the company of so many women at one time in one place. It was definitely an estrogen fest.

I took away many things from what I heard but I think the main thing I will hold onto is God's plan for my life and for the lives of my family. For whatever reason God has for giving me a child like Cale is all in preparation of delivering a "Grand New Day" for us. I've known this in my head since the very beginning but I felt like this weekend helped me to accept it into my heart. God's plans are perfect and He does not make mistakes. Cale was not a mistake. Even though doctors explain Cale by telling us that something just didn't connect right in the womb, God actually made each connection to His liking and His perfection. I truly believe we are at the start of something amazing. I'm still sad and I'm sure I'll get angry from time to time, but I can rest in the promise that God is with me and each circumstance He puts in my life is ultimately part of His perfect plan.

Okay, enough of that. Alex is out of town for a few days and let me tell you, when he is away I am reminded of how incredibly blessed I am to have a partner to help me raise our children. I have a tremendous amount of respect for single moms and to be honest, I have no idea how they do it. How do you do it???!!! Alex gets home Thursday night and I cannot wait!

Ahhhhh, kids are napping and I think it's now time for me to take a nap. zzzzzzzz

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