Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Mission Impossible

There is a big difference between keeping your house clean and keeping it "open house" clean. I'm naturally a clean person, largely due to my mother who would call my room a pig sty if I had one lonely sock laying helplessly on my bedroom floor, but constantly mopping floors, scrubbing sink basins, and rotating loads of laundry is exhausting my inner need to be clean. Add into the mix two incredibly messy toddlers and you have what I like to call a "mission impossible". Please pray that our house sells soon so that I don't become clinically insane.

On Sunday I turned 26 years old. Alex's birthday is only a few weeks before mine and since I was in Seattle on his birthday, we decided to celebrate jointly by having our friends over to our house for dinner. Four adults and four children equated to a fabulous chaotic and fun time. I got some really nice headphones for the gym and also a new lens for my camera! It's supposed to be 60 degrees today and so I think I'll take the kids somewhere outside to test it!

My mom is coming to visit later today. Thank goodness for moms! I'm looking forward to having someone to play with during the day while Alex is at work. I'm not sure what we'll do but I'm positive her time here will include some shopping and good meals! Hooray!

I'm itching for spring to be here for good and although today is forecasted to be absolutely gorgeous, I'm preparing myself for at least a few more cold snaps and probably another big snow. Blah. I'm ready to play outside!

Hopefully I can capture some good photos today and have them up on facebook by tomorrow. The last few times I've tried taking pictures of Riley she's thrown a fit and told me "no". Cross your fingers!

1 comment:

lanerdoo said...

I don't envy you the cleaning. I have wood floors that could be cleaned several times daily, yuck. Look at how big Riley is getting... I still envisioned a baby!