Friday, January 9, 2009

Cale hits another milestone!

Yesterday marked one of Cale's greatest milestones!  As you know, he can not yet talk with words but he is making significant progress in using sign language.  I was running errands and feeling quite pleased with his terrific behavior and so I looked back at him in his car seat and asked him if he wanted to go to the mall to play on the train.  He, very sweetly, put his hand on his chest (please) and started kicking his legs in excitement.  Okay, okay, I'll pack both kids into the mall and let him play on the train for awhile.  This was huge for me because for one, taking both kids anywhere is always a giant task and two, yucky sicknesses are spreading like wildfire around Missoula and I'm sure the train is packed with every last one of those germs.  We got to the mall and Cale crawled over to the stairs, went down the slide, and instead of going up again like he always does (again and again and again) he crawled over to me and started whining.  I asked him what was wrong and he put his hand next to his ear (his sign for "tired") and looked at me so sweetly with his big, beautiful blue eyes.  It was nearing his nap time and so I asked him if he'd rather go home and take a nap than continue playing on the train.  Again, he put his hand on his chest (please) and smiled at me.  

Cale and I had our first conversation!  He was able to tell me what he wanted and then tell me what was wrong.  Amazing - simply amazing!  Even though this first conversation was nothing like I had imagined it, it was better than I thought it'd be.  

As he continues to improve with his sign language, he is also getting better at pointing to things he wants.  I can hold up two items and he can tell me which one he wants, rather than just sitting there and whining.  I can ask him to grab something and bring it to me, he will come to me if I ask him, and so much more.  His receptive language is amazing and I'm confident that eventually he will be able to use words.  Like all things in Cale's life, it will come in his own time. 


lanerdoo said...

Erica - you do not know me. I linked to you via Lanerdoo's Burch Perch. I am her mom-in-law writing to you from the Oregon coast. You have touched me with your beautiful heart. I have tears in my eyes for Cale's accomplishments. I am praying for more and more successes for you all. You and your dear family are in my prayers.

lanerdoo said...

My mother-in-law posted this comment on my blog and asked that I pass it on to you. She couldn't get it to post on yours.

I love reading your blog, it is very touching and full of heart. I had no idea the struggles you've experienced and continue to face daily. I pray for your family and little Cale, that you will have peace, strength and hope to grow him up to fulfill the life God has planned for him.

You write very well and it makes me feel as though I am experiencing your every emotion. Keep up the good work Mama!

lanerdoo said...

Ok, last post today. The second comment was from me. Just in case there was any confusion :)

Cheryl said...

Our little boy is simply amazing and I'm so proud to be his mammie. I'm more proud, however, of his mom....who she is, how she has grown and what you are able to give. You truly have a gift. Your family is so blessed to have you. I think a higher power has truly guided you. You are more insightful in your nearly 25 years than I ever hope to be. I love you. mom