...but I have officially become a "Twilight Junky".
This is hard for me to admit because for years, ever since the first book was released, I scoffed at all the people who had become lovers of vampires. I never read fiction books, only non-fiction, and so I didn't dare try and see what all the fuss was about. I was flabbergasted by the "Team Edward" and "Team Jacob" shirts that girls all across the country started wearing. How stupid, I thought. I was especially skeptical of my sister because, for any of you reading this that know her, she can read the same book twenty times and never get bored. She was a Twilight junky, always buying the books on their release date and seeing the movies on opening night. I thought to myself, "isn't she a little old to be so engrossed in this enormous teeny bopper fad?" I'm not sure how many times she's read the books but I'm guessing she's read through all four more than once . What a waste of time, I thought.
It wasn't until a few months ago, while the third movie was still in theaters, that my mom told me I should watch the movies. Pfff, yeah right! I have zero interest in vampires. She countered me by telling me that the movies were more romance than anything else. Okay, she had perked my interest a little. I'm not one to resist a good love story. So it was on a Friday night that Alex and I drove around to every movie store in Missoula looking for the first Twilight movie. With the invention of Redbox I'm surprised movie stores even exist. We had zero luck and I was genuinely disappointed.
"Why on earth was I so set on watching this stupid movie?"
Thank goodness I married a problem-solver because once we got home and Alex realized I wasn't going to give up pouting, he bought the movie on iTunes so that we could watch it after the kids went to bed.
I was surprised at how fast I became enthralled with it and the characters. "Okay, so this is what all the fuss is about!"
We finished the first movie around 11:00 and I knew that I wouldn't be able to sleep until I saw the second one. Alex rented that movie on iTunes, not bothering to buy it, too. We finished the second one and as if I didn't already know this after watching the first one, I was hooked. I needed to see the third movie in theaters or I wouldn't be able to go on. Dramatic, I know.
Our next available date night was spent watching Eclipse. I felt like a total loser sitting in the movie theater but I didn't care. I didn't care that I had become such a hypocrite.
I just finished the first book last night and have started in on the second one. I have stayed up far past my bedtime, which is usually right after the kids go to bed around 9:30, and Alex has caught me with my light on well past one o'clock in the morning, my eyes glued to the pages of these silly books. It's still a little hard for me to believe.
You can bet that once the fourth movie is released in theaters, I will be there on opening night wearing my "Team Edward" tee-shirt, unashamed and totally excited.
Welcome to your new obsession!! I really don't consider myself much of a recreation reader, but I was the same way with these books. I spent an entire day off work glued to the last book. We are suckers for romance :)
Oh nooo... do not tell me that... I have resisted... so far...
Ok, I was soooo the same way. I thought they were dumb. Until I saw the second movie, and then I decided to read the books. I read all four in just about a month. The last one was my favorite because it ends perfectly. No judgement here for you since I fell victim to the "twilight craze." :)
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