Saturday, September 11, 2010

First Day of School

Last Wednesday was Cale's first day of his second year in preschool!  Cale has literally been asking to go back to school since the last day of school this past spring.  On the rare occasion that I would have both kids and myself ready to walk out the door before nine o'clock in the morning on any given day, Cale would automatically assume we were headed to school, because we ALL know that without an incredibly good reason to be showered, dressed, fed, and still sane, there was no possible way to be so prudent.  We would head to the car and Cale would clap his hands together twice, therefore asking me if we were going to school.  Sorry, Dude.  You have three long months stuck with ME.  How awful.  

The night before his first day we laid out his clothes that he was to wear in the morning and packed his backpack with everything a preschooler needs: a change of clothes, diapers, wipes, and a snack.  I'm pretty sure Cale would have slept in his clothes with his backpack strapped to his back if we would've let him.  He woke up bright-eyed and ready to go!  Alex and I took an unnecessary amount of pictures at the house and I proceeded to embarrass him even further by making him stand in front of his school while I snapped even more.  I thought for sure I would shed at least a little tear but after I took him to his classroom and saw that he was too excited to even wave good-bye to me, I couldn't help but be anything but just as excited for him.  I drove away a very proud momma!

This school year is a little different from last year.  For one, he goes three days a week as opposed to just two.  Second, I'm letting him ride the bus.  I feel a little embarrassed and a little guilty by the latter change.  I'm embarrassed because I'm a stay-at-home mom and I feel it's my JOB to take my kids to and from school.  I can't help but wonder if his teachers think I'm lazy because I won't even drop off my own kid - I'm making someone else do it for me.  I feel guilty because Cale wants to take the bus, and my selfish need as a mother to be in control of every aspect of his life is already rearing its ugly head.  Watching the bus drive away from our house is like having everything thrown into the wind.  How am I ever going to survive his teenage years???

Other than those changes, everything is pretty much the same.  He has the same teacher and the same classroom.  On his first day all of the teachers and therapists were outside greeting the kids, and when they saw Cale everyone seemed to light up!  I'd like to think they were more excited to see him than any other student, but that's probably just me. :)

While Cale is at school I try and do something fun with Riley.  I thoroughly enjoy my alone time with her and this year I'm treasuring it even more as I realize how fast time is flying by.  If we decide to put Riley in preschool she will start next school year.  AAAHHH!  I've heard a million times from older and more experienced parents, "Enjoy these days because you'll never get them back."

As cliche and redundant as that statement sounds, it is so true and makes me a little sad.  If I survive the toddler years I'm sure I'll look back at these days with nothing but happy memories.

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