Tuesday, January 4, 2011


In my last post I admitted to not really believing in making New Year's resolutions.  I've made them in the past, when I was in junior high and high school maybe, and they lasted all but four days...max.  I remember one in particular, which was to not drink so much diet soda.  That one only lasted a few hours.

This year, however, as I got to thinking about ways I could improve myself this coming year, I thought of a few ideas.  The first one is something I've wished I was better at for several years, and that is getting better about having my cell phone with me...and actually answering it when it rings.  I'm terrible with my cell phone, and "terrible" is probably an understatement.  I got a little better with it when my best friend reached the end of her pregnancy because I wanted to make sure I was around when she made the call to tell me she was finally in labor.  Now that her new baby is almost one month old, however, I've slipped back into my awful ways.  In fact as I type this I have no idea where my phone is, and even worse, I don't care enough to go looking for it.  My husband has accepted that my lack of concern for my cell phone is just a part of who I am.  He still gets irritated from time to time, especially when I ask to use his phone when I don't know where mine is, but for the most part he's learned to just smile and shake his head.

My next idea is a little more practical and far easier to obtain.  Sometime during the last several months I have lost my passion for taking photos.  My theory for this is rather pathetic but I'll share it anyway.  I'm incredibly frustrated that I can't take better pictures.  I don't need to take breathtaking photos in order to be happy but I'd like to call myself a "good" photographer some day.  I'm far from that and I suppose I've found it easier to just give up rather than put in the work it takes to get to where I want to be.  This year I not only want to get better at snapping quality photos, but I also want to learn to be okay with not being able to capture the "perfect" picture.  When I'm older I most certainly won't care about exposure or that sort of thing, but rather the fact that I have so many fantastic memories to look back on.  Who cares if the lighting isn't flawless.

My last idea is something I can definitely do without too much effort.  I desperately want to get better at blogging and for whatever reason I seem to be on this trend of only blogging every other week.  I want to change that and so I shall.

So I guess you could say I'm making a few resolutions for 2011.  :)

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