Thursday, November 11, 2010


Cale had a follow-up doctor appointment yesterday and so I thought I'd update you on the current findings:


How very non-exciting.  Alex and I haven't noticed any real changes in Cale since he started the steroids, except for the fact that he seems to be more uncomfortable and spitting up more.  However, he gained seven ounces (!!!), so I suppose something good has come from this little experiment.  His doctor wants to continue him on the steroids through this week because supposedly by Friday we will definitely know if they are either going to work or not work. We are scheduled for another appointment next Tuesday.

All in all, we're pretty frustrated that nothing is really changing but I suppose this is just another step in the elimination process.  Other than being in obvious discomfort during and after eating, Cale has been in great spirits which we are incredibly thankful for.

In other news, we are taking Cale to his very first Griz game this coming Saturday!  Alex and I went back and forth on what we wanted to get him for his birthday and when we finally just decided to ask him what he wanted, he said "football".  My dad was a stud and hooked us up with three great tickets so we're leaving Riley behind and having a special outing with just the birthday boy!  I'm so excited I feel like peeing my pants!  He is going to have the time of his life!  He loves watching football on TV so I can just imagine how he'll react when he gets to watch it in person.

I can't believe how quickly Thanksgiving is approaching!  Alex's mom and step-dad are coming to visit from Seattle which means I am hosting my very first Thanksgiving dinner.  My mom has set the standards high in my mind and so I feel a bit like Monica from "Friends" one episode she decides to compete with herself by trying to top her previous Thanksgiving dinner.  I fully intend to spend the entire day in the kitchen, completely stressed and overwhelmed, while not accepting any help.  Just the way I want it. :)

At this very moment I feel at peace, which is a 180 degree turn from how I felt last week.  I hate seeing Cale in pain but I don't hate myself for not being able to fix it.  Riley is a typical two-year old girl who throws tantrums over dropping her fork or a spaghetti noodle falling off her plate, but even those I have been able to deal with rather well.  She clings on me 24/7 and rather than being annoyed I've discovered that I kind of like it.  Neither of my children have napped this week, and being that it's now Thursday and I still have my wits, I consider that a phenomenal feat on my part.  I can only attribute any of this to answered prayer and a god who loves unconditionally.

Of course this could all change by this afternoon but at least now I have a sense of humor on the whole situation.

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