Monday, April 26, 2010



After an already chaotic morning, (Sundays are ALWAYS chaos no matter how well we try and plan ahead), we got a phone call as we were leaving church informing us that we had gotten an offer on our house! First emotion was pure excitement but then the reality of the offer not being exactly what we hoped for started creeping in. Alex spent the afternoon crunching numbers with our realtor. After a few hours we submitted a counter-offer to our potential buyers and within just another few hours they accepted! AAAHHHHHHH!

It's still so surreal knowing that we are actually going to sell our house and that we are actually going to move into the house we have so patiently waited for during the past several months.

I'll try and post pictures of the new house soon.

P.S. Cale's MRI went AMAZING! He did GREAT and it was ten thousand times better than I thought it was going to be. We should be getting a call from his doctor today so if I hear anything I will make sure and update as soon as possible!

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